History Of Viruses
In the 1950's at Bell Laboratories, "John von Neumann's" theory in which he made in 1949 was put to the test. His theory stated that it was (MS Encarta 98, Virus [computer], History) "Theoretically possible for a computer program to replicate". His theory was tested after a game called "Core Wars" was developed whereby (MS Encarta 98, Virus [computer], History) "Players created tiny computer programs that attacked, erased, and tried to propagate on an opponent's system".Computer viruses have a relatively short history by the damages caused by some of the most dangerous viruses pushed cyber-experts to open a chapter that includes a huge database on computer viruses and the cost of damages caused along with companies, government and universities highly affected by malware.
this is the paper related about computer viruses http://storage.jak-stik.ac.id/papers/Computers_Technology/Are_computer_viruses__spread_by_the_media_.pdf